




orkut online community

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  • orkut online community

    orkut is an online community website designed for friends. The main goal of our service is to make your social life, and that of your friends, more active and stimulating. orkut's social network can help you both maintain existing relationships and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before. Who you interact with is entirely up to you. Before getting to know an orkut member, you can even see how they're connecting to you through the friends network.

    orkut makes it easy to find people who share your hobbies and interests, look for romantic connections or establish new business contacts. You can also create and join a wide variety of online communities to discuss current events, reconnect with old college buddies or even exchange cookies recipes.

    To join orkut, simply click on the link in the email you received and follow the instructions for creating a user name and password. If orkut doesn't sound like it's for you, feel free to delete your invitation. If you change your mind in the future, don't worry! We'll still be here.

    If you haven't yet received an invitation to join, please be patient. We'd love to immediately include everyone who wants to participate; however, we're also trying to ensure that orkut remains a close-knit community. Over the next few weeks, hopefully, the network will grow to a point where everyone who wants to join has the opportunity to do so.

    It is our mission to help you create a closer, more intimate network of friends. We hope to put you on the path to social bliss soon.

    Have you seen this before.Well this is a community in association with google and also google login works over there.If not you can always signup for a orkut membership.

    Well saw this later on :
    orkut is unique, because it's an organically growing network of trusted friends. That way we won't grow too large, too quickly and everyone will have at least one person to vouch for them.

    If you know someone who is a member of orkut, that person can invite you to join as well. If you don't know an orkut member, wait a bit and most likely you soon will.

    We look forward to having you as part of the orkut community.
    INCRIPT TECHNOLOGIES - webhosting India
    iTALKS FORUMS - Designing & Hosting Community

  • #2
    Re: orkut online community

    I'm member and its really awesome. Good for leisure time.


    • #3
      Re: orkut online community

      It's created by Google, I believe...
      It's much harder to find an invite for orkut than Gmail...


      • #4
        Re: orkut online community

        its a great website, i love it, good to keep in touch with old pals and to make new friends sharing your interests....

        Hard to find an invite??? Contact me !!
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        • #5
          Orkut is a good social networking website.We can make and find friends on it.It is also becoming same as facebook.As orkut has been loaded with many applications.I love orut...


          • #6
            really good

            I am on orkut. It is a great social networking site. It is the place to be if you want to make new friends or keep in touch with pals.I like it more than facebook. It is much more easier to use. GO ORKUT.


            • #7
              orkut rockss, it has helped me to find so many school friendss who were really out of touch...


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