




How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

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  • How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

    I'm going to assume you're serious about your business. If
    you're not, I can't help you anyway. You've gone as far as
    getting a real merchant account to accept credit card payments

    You know that this was neither easy or cheap. So does everyone
    else! So, a merchant account shows that you've made a serious
    commitment to your business. That's good for customer
    confidence, which is good for business. So far so good...

    Now there's the issue of selling stuff to people online. Your
    order form leads them to feed their credit card info to a secure
    gateway, using software you bought or leased from (or through)
    your merchant account provider. Finally, the transaction is
    approved or denied.

    If approved, the software generates a receipt and emails you
    and the customer each a copy. At this point, the customer is
    returned to a page you specified. In the case of downloadable
    products, this is often the page where they download your
    product. So, you've got the entire process fully automated.

    For a product or service with a fairly low price point and a
    potential for many thousands of sales, this seems ideal. You can
    quite literally make sales and earn income 24 hours a day. So,
    what's the problem?

    The form code on your order page is the problem. If someone
    uses the ViewSource function of their browser, they can see all
    your code. If they have even a tiny bit of initiative and skill,
    they can locate the URL of your download page. After all, it's
    right there in your form code!

    CGI provides two ways of fixing this problem. One involves
    using a script that makes it impossible to view the source code.
    You can find a source for such a script by searching the web.
    Expect to pay a lot for this technology.

    Another way is to make the return path a script instead of the
    actual download location. The script would be used to create and
    display the download page. It would not be visible to the
    surfer, since it's not an HTML document. The script can also
    record details of the transaction for book-keeping purposes.

    I admit that I discovered this by trial and error - and a lucky
    guess or two. Your merchant account gateway software may have
    radically different behavior than mine, but here's what I've

    The gateway uses the POST method to send the customer to your
    specified return URL (which can be a script as well as a web
    page). It also POSTs most of its input data items at the same
    time. They are usually ignored, but your script can read them if
    you want to!

    Use the names given to the form inputs. Have your script
    extract the values of these "named parameters" at the time it
    creates the download page. Record what you want to save about
    the transaction in your orders file or database.

    Now here's the real secret to foiling the thieves. Inside the
    script, check to see that the variables you extract contain
    non-empty values. Did you get that? Here's an example:

    if ($email eq "") {exit;}

    In this example, the script expects to get an email address. If
    it contains no characters, the script quits instantly. By
    testing for the presence of some data in such fields as customer
    name, email address, item #, price, etc., you can tell whether
    the script was called after a successful transaction - or by a

    Put all your security checks prior to the code that creates the
    download page. If any test fails, the script exits and the thief
    is left empty- handed. If your form-handling script can convert
    a product name to a product ID that's never visible to a
    browser, this provides even more security. This will be POSTed
    back to the script and you can check for it before allowing the

    Close these security holes and you'll make more money. You may
    even sleep a little better knowing that people can't steal that product you worked so hard to create. I know I do!
    INCRIPT TECHNOLOGIES - webhosting India
    iTALKS FORUMS - Designing & Hosting Community

  • #2
    Re: How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

    wow very useful article, i'll look into it, do you have any tips for PHP powered sites?


    • #3
      Re: How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

      WOW!!! Thanks a ton, good article.


      • #4
        Re: How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

        If someone truly wants to view your source they can, there are plenty of websites out there that have a source viewer etc.

        And there are so many scripts out there one would be able to decipher it anyways. It is all in the determination of the thief.


        • #5
          Re: How to Stop Digital Thieves with CGI

          a good article...
          well down..
          You can see a lot of celebrity pictures.which you want to know...


          • #6
            The concept of CGI incorporates a source viewer that helps in determining the entry of an intruder. Surf through the internet and acquire more information on it.
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            • #7
              There are plenty of websites out there that have a source viewer etc.
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