




Unlimited hosting

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  • Unlimited hosting

    Okey, many of you guys have asked me about unlimited hosting, so I decided to write a post of it. You’ve just discovered hosting, that offers unlimited hd size and bandwidth. They seem to have very professional website and everything looks fine. You just click on the button purchase as you think you can earn much more money by reselling their service. Yes, this is what many teenagers go with. I see those posts on many web hosting and domain related forums daily. They offer for their customers either unlimited or very much of resources.

    Just my warning for you. Any company that offers unlimited hosting can’t stay reliable. This makes impossible dilemma, which can’t be true. To offer unlimited hosting they should keep their prices very up. Unlimited doesn’t exist. Many hosts do offer unmetered, which is safe for you. If you have a dedicated server with unmetered connection, do not hesitate. This article does not talk about that. My point is that unlimited hosting has been offered by many hosts with low prices. Many hosts just say: ”Unlimited hosting for 80$ lifetime”. Shoutserv is one of them.

    Those hosts can be in the start reliable as they don’t have much of customers. They can run their services and as the one time payment is big, they can manage their servers fine in the beginning. They can pay for new servers and grow their website. But there will be downhill after a while. As their customer number is increasing and they will start use more and more resources, they will have a problem. As they market their web hosting as ”unlimited”, they will definetely get customers that use a lot of resources. Even one customer could be enough to use one server resources. In this place they will have hard situation. As they will have to get more servers, the winnings will go to the server bills and even more.

    I think you guys understand why it can’t be this way. The webhost can’t pay from it’s pocket the bills, so it will start to delete accounts without reason. By suspending the customers that really uses resources they can keep to continue the web hosting. This is where there starts very bad customer support. Tickets start not to be answered etc. As the host can be onetime payment, they don’t really care if the customers stay with them. It’s better for them, if you leave. By a lot of customers and much of resources been used they will also have to cause you a lot of downtime. This is why unlimited hosting can never work. Because for every megabyte you use they will have to pay. By offering unlimited for you they will have to rely on the fact that you won’t use all the resources.

    Okey, now we have talked a lot in theory. Ill tell you this with real example. There was a host named.. lets call it the ”X-Host”. X-Host was offering unlimited hosting with only 24.99$ in month. Of course proxies and adult were allowed. My friend signed up with their, yes I did warn him, but he did not care. His webhosting started fine. It was WHM reseller account and he was reselling the resources. He ended up having like 20 customers, who did pay for him like 100$ or something. He earned 4 times more per month that he paid. A week after the webhost was down. He tried to contact them, but they did not have a phone contact. The website was also down. His clients wanted refund, what he could not offer because he didn’t have the money. Okey, now he was in problem. The webhost came up after 3 days of offline. When he asked why they were offline he got just the anwer: ”We are sorry for the downtime, but we can’t really do much for you”. In their TOS there was a point that said: ”If our uptime is below 99.8% we shall refund the client on his own will”. Well, guess what then happened. He did not get refund even when he asked. A week after that he was deleted because of illegal files, which nor he neither his clients had. When he asked the reason or the site that broke their TOS, they answered ”It’s not our responsibility to answer this question.. blaa blaa.. Looking forward - - X-Host”.

    Okey, this is why I warn you about unlimited hosting. They are mostly runned by teenagers that have just got enough money to purchase a brand new Xeon server. They think that they can do anything without taking responsibility. This time the teenager or what ever ran that host won. My friend had to pay back his almost 20 clients their money back and to lose his own money. Not much, but I did warn him.

    Anybody who really does understand about webhosting, would not offer unlimited hosting as it can never be offered with a professional way. If it could, why would not every big website use their company? Because it’s just illusion and lies. So much resources can’t be offered never.

    (Posted originally on my blog, but I think you could use it.)

  • #2
    Originally posted by Noner
    Okey, many of you guys have asked me about unlimited hosting, so I decided to write a post of it. You’ve just discovered hosting, that offers unlimited hd size and bandwidth. They seem to have very professional website and everything looks fine. You just click on the button purchase as you think you can earn much more money by reselling their service. Yes, this is what many teenagers go with. I see those posts on many web hosting and domain related forums daily. They offer for their customers either unlimited or very much of resources.

    Just my warning for you. Any company that offers unlimited hosting can’t stay reliable. This makes impossible dilemma, which can’t be true. To offer unlimited hosting they should keep their prices very up. Unlimited doesn’t exist. Many hosts do offer unmetered, which is safe for you. If you have a dedicated server with unmetered connection, do not hesitate. This article does not talk about that. My point is that unlimited hosting has been offered by many hosts with low prices. Many hosts just say: ”Unlimited hosting for 80$ lifetime”. Shoutserv is one of them.

    Those hosts can be in the start reliable as they don’t have much of customers. They can run their services and as the one time payment is big, they can manage their servers fine in the beginning. They can pay for new servers and grow their website. But there will be downhill after a while. As their customer number is increasing and they will start use more and more resources, they will have a problem. As they market their web hosting as ”unlimited”, they will definetely get customers that use a lot of resources. Even one customer could be enough to use one server resources. In this place they will have hard situation. As they will have to get more servers, the winnings will go to the server bills and even more.

    I think you guys understand why it can’t be this way. The webhost can’t pay from it’s pocket the bills, so it will start to delete accounts without reason. By suspending the customers that really uses resources they can keep to continue the web hosting. This is where there starts very bad customer support. Tickets start not to be answered etc. As the host can be onetime payment, they don’t really care if the customers stay with them. It’s better for them, if you leave. By a lot of customers and much of resources been used they will also have to cause you a lot of downtime. This is why unlimited hosting can never work. Because for every megabyte you use they will have to pay. By offering unlimited for you they will have to rely on the fact that you won’t use all the resources.

    Okey, now we have talked a lot in theory. Ill tell you this with real example. There was a host named.. lets call it the ”X-Host”. X-Host was offering unlimited hosting with only 24.99$ in month. Of course proxies and adult were allowed. My friend signed up with their, yes I did warn him, but he did not care. His webhosting started fine. It was WHM reseller account and he was reselling the resources. He ended up having like 20 customers, who did pay for him like 100$ or something. He earned 4 times more per month that he paid. A week after the webhost was down. He tried to contact them, but they did not have a phone contact. The website was also down. His clients wanted refund, what he could not offer because he didn’t have the money. Okey, now he was in problem. The webhost came up after 3 days of offline. When he asked why they were offline he got just the anwer: ”We are sorry for the downtime, but we can’t really do much for you”. In their TOS there was a point that said: ”If our uptime is below 99.8% we shall refund the client on his own will”. Well, guess what then happened. He did not get refund even when he asked. A week after that he was deleted because of illegal files, which nor he neither his clients had. When he asked the reason or the site that broke their TOS, they answered ”It’s not our responsibility to answer this question.. blaa blaa.. Looking forward - - X-Host”.

    Okey, this is why I warn you about unlimited hosting. They are mostly runned by teenagers that have just got enough money to purchase a brand new Xeon server. They think that they can do anything without taking responsibility. This time the teenager or what ever ran that host won. My friend had to pay back his almost 20 clients their money back and to lose his own money. Not much, but I did warn him.

    Anybody who really does understand about webhosting, would not offer unlimited hosting as it can never be offered with a professional way. If it could, why would not every big website use their company? Because it’s just illusion and lies. So much resources can’t be offered never.

    (Posted originally on my blog, but I think you could use it.)

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    • #3
      very true but smart teenagers like me are offering free hosting for forum posts so "users arrive, users stay, adverts pay"


      • #4
        great effort brother..

        this will be really helpful for a lot of ppl.. i liked the details uve provided.. keep them coming..


        • #5
          Nice article. Sad to say that unlimited hosting is just a marketing ploy to entice their would be customers.
          WOW Gold


          • #6
            but i hear that server admin can create 20 unlimited account from one server... its also a false...?


            • #7
              Unlimited Hosting is just not possbile. What if 10 heavily loaded site is hosted in a single machine that supplies unlimited hosting. yes it's possbile to have unlimited hosting in scenario that there are only personal or limited resource consumption sites are hosted Unlimited hosting just attracts people but it's not effective.
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              • #8
                Unlimited bandwidth is like unlimited dialup. It only works because nobody actually takes advantage of the unlimited part.
                i don't believe Them , Dreamhost r offering 500GB who'll use this amounts of disk space?


                • #9
                  Many sites are offering unlimited space and unlimited bandwitch. Sometimes there are just corporates who can't sell the hosting packages and are too lagging. So warning! Just look arround on web and forum for hosting before you will buy a package.


                  • #10
                    ya Right , I prefer to go with a 2 GB , 70GB of bw for $7 /Months instead of 2TB of bw , coz they'll shut down your site due to the use of the server


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