




Webmaster POWER Pak, must have for any webmaster + resell rights!

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  • Webmaster POWER Pak, must have for any webmaster + resell rights!

    Hey everyone, i am offering 50% off a webmaster pack, it's normal price is $50 so it's now $25

    Full details:

    Here are a few details:
    -> Webmaster's Power Pak is an incredible collection of webmaster software tools with FULL resell rights, 100% profit=yours! + you get the FULL website, that means you can start up selling the software in a few minutes TOO!

    The 'Pak' contains the following software: (you can purchase each software on it's own if you want, just click on the image for more info )

    - Use Domain Alarm And Know Instantly When Your Website Is Down!
    Domain Alarm sits in your system tray and immediately lets you know if your site(s) are not working properly.

    - Let "Quik Site" Put Your Website On Overdrive!
    "Quik Site" will shrink your HTML files size by applying modern and very effective compression techniques. This can compress your web pages up to 90% (up to 10 times smaller than the original file), so your users that have a dialup connection would be downloading your HTML files at almost DSL speed!!! Imagine downloading your web pages in a real DSL connection, it would be almost immediate!

    - Generate Professional Looking Java Scripts For Your Website!
    Java Script Pro is a revolutionary software that will turn you into a PRO webmaster overnight! 15 different website scripts are built into the software. All you have to do is push a couple buttons and the customized code will be rendered. You Won't find a comparable product to Java Script Pro!

    - Thumb Nail-It! is a simple, easy to use program to make thumbnailing of entire folders fast and easy...
    Features: Make thumbnails of images in an entire folder. Also rename the images (if selected) at the same time. Add a prefix to the thumbnails for greater SE ranking.

    - Screen Shoot-It is a simple and easy to use program that will easily capture screenshots from your computer...
    Features:Captures the last active screen, full screen or user selected area. Also numbers each picture consecutively. Creates jpeg images. Capture the entire screen, active window or select what you want!

    - SoftwarePak's Html Editor can help you develop great looking website and auction sales pages.
    No need to learn html! The WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface is extremely easy to use. Novice page builders will feel like pros in no time!
    The software is designed in html format. You can use it from your desktop or install it to your web server. This is a GREAT software tool/service that you can provide to visitors of your website. You can even sell the software and keep 100% of the profits!

    - Use Banner Buddy To Quickly Generate Banner/Text Link HTML
    With a few mouse clicks, you can turn text and graphics into "clickable" links to your web site. HIDE affiliate links while visitors do "mouseovers". Also creates text under the banner. Easily creates text links as well.
    Banner Buddy is so easy to use anyone, even beginners, will have no problem using it.

    - Stop Internet Thieves In Their Tracks!
    The Html En******r can quickly and effectively encrypt your entire website or just one page. Create backups as you encrypt and preserve your precious Meta Tags! Keep others from viewing your source code! Prevent printing, offline viewing, caching, disable right clicking, text selection, hide your links, and you can even choose what you want it to say in the status bar! Make your site only accessible from a referrer. This is the best HTML En******r...BAR NONE!!



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  • #2
    PRICE JUST DROPPED FROM $25 to $5.40

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    • #3
      Anyone used this yet that can give us some feedback?
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