


Professional Exmasters Adult VPS 100 percent compatible with video streaming, New Prices!



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  • Professional Exmasters Adult VPS 100 percent compatible with video streaming, New Prices!

    Are you looking for super fast ssd vps hosting solutions at cheap price?

    Exmasters is a world leading provider for adult and high speed web hosting, which brings a new concept of affordable web hosting without the setup fees or any hidden charges. Our radically low prices, fast technical support and top notch network is key to your success. Here are our virtual private servers (VPS). Virtual private server is very popular option for those who needs performance of a server, but for very discounted prices. Customer also gets full root access and all capabilities of a dedicated server, including control panel, etc. All our virtual private servers are managed, so they are suitable for beginners as well as for more experienced webmasters.

    Special Offer: Doubled RAM/HDD! Order any dedicated or VPS server and get doubled RAM or HDD! Discount code is 'dbram' or 'dbhdd'.

    Our Team offers affordable VIRTUAL PRIVATE SERVERS solutions:

    Virtual Server VPS1
    CPU: 1 Core
    RAM: 1 GB
    SSD: 10 GB
    Monthly Price: $6.50 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS2
    CPU: 1 Core
    RAM: 2 GB
    SSD: 25 GB
    Monthly Price: $10.00 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS3
    CPU: 2 Core
    RAM: 4 GB
    SSD: 50 GB
    Monthly Price: $15.00 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS4
    CPU: 4 Core
    RAM: 4 GB
    SSD: 100 GB
    Monthly Price: $25.00 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS5
    CPU: 8 Core
    RAM: 8 GB
    SSD: 250 GB
    Monthly Price: $45.00 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS6
    CPU: 8 Core
    RAM: 16 GB
    SSD: 500 GB
    Monthly Price: $65.00 - ORDER NOW

    Virtual Server VPS7
    CPU: 16 Core
    RAM: 16 GB
    SSD: 1000 GB
    Monthly Price: $85.00 - ORDER NOW

    Additional Services:
    Our Control Panel (+0$) - Easy to use, light and fast control panel with all important features. If you don't need multilevel or reseller features, keep this panel.
    Direct Admin (+5$) - Good, fast and stable control panel. It's multilevel (admin/reseller/end user) and so it's suitable also for resellers.
    Plesk (+15$) - Excellent, one of the best. Easy to use yet complex control panel.
    cPanel/WHM (+25$) - Well known control panel. It's not as fast as the other panels and it takes a lot of system resources, but you can set everything there.
    If you need help with selection of the control panel, don't hesitate to contact us!

    Backup - When selected, we'll backup all your files to our external backup server. Full backup include all your files, databases, emails and basic server system settings.
    Monthly (+5$), Weekly (+10$), Daily (+25$).

    Additional IP - Select additional number of IPs. By default they are in same C-Class, but you can get even different ranges. Please note pure spamming is not allowed!
    1 IP (+0$), 8 IPs (+15$), 16 IPs (+25$), 32 IPs (+45$), 64 IPs (+75$), 128 IPs (+145$), 256 IPs (+225$).

    Server management - Just select management level of the server:
    Level 1 (+0$) - Suitable for most users - we will install all required apps like system and required software like PHP, database etc. and help you to set your scripts, so all will work flawlessly.
    Level 2 (+25$) - The same as L1, plus you'll get extra help with your scripts installation, regular system upgrades, special server settings, system personification/tuning, taking care of web server, PHP, database and DNS settings.
    Level 3 (+45$) - This is the best management level with no limit on server administration, we'll do everything you'll need on your server.

    Operating System: CentOS/Alma (+0$), Ubuntu latest stable (+0$), Debian latest stable (+0$), Windows 10 (+10$), Custom (+0$).

    If you need custom private server (config, bandwidth), just CONTACT US.
    You don't need to know anything about private server managing, it's our job!
    And more...
    Last edited by Exmasters-Mark; 02-04-2025, 01:00 AM.
    Exmasters. Leading adult hosting provider. Since 2001!
    Become clients today and have stable online business tomorrow and further!





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