




Two Qualities of a Successful Businessman

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  • #16
    About the 1st knowledge: "The businessman should have a thorough knowledge of his business. It should be supplemented by the knowledge of trade, finance, marketing, income tax laws, etc"

    The best way to understand business and to know whats happening in the business world is to keep on track with the


    • #17
      True facts...A business man should always be practical and able to handle risk.
      It is so true that a business man should always be visionary.
      A great business man will always motivate himself and his work.
      A successful businessman will always be flexible and open minded and he should be able for good leadership management and the main stream he should have good network capabilities.


      • #18
        Top Qualities of successful businessman:

        1. Leadership Skills
        2. Unafraid to Take Risks
        3. Competitive Spirit
        4. A Good Intellect
        5. Ability to Take the Initiative
        6. Solid Communication Skills
        7. Ambition
        8. A Reliable Nature
        9. Personal and Professional Integrity
        10. Likeability


        • #19
          Add the following

          1. Risk taker

          2. Relationship builder


          • #20
            1. Self-Discipline
            2. Integrity
            3. Persistence
            4. A Clear Sense Of Direction
            5. Decisive And Action Oriented
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            • #21
              Analysis and Patience


              • #22
                1. Self-Discipline
                2. Integrity
                These are the two most important qualities of a successful businessman.


                • #23
                  I think two quality is not enough for successful businessman, Atleast minimum 5 quality should be in businessmen
                  1. A Good Intellect
                  2. Competitive spirit
                  3. Unafraid to take risks
                  4. Leadership Skills
                  5. Solid Communication Skills
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                  • #24
                    here are many qualities that can contribute to the success of a businessman, but two key qualities that are often cited are:
                    1. Resilience: A successful businessman must be able to weather the ups and downs of business, including setbacks and failures. Resilience allows them to bounce back from adversity, learn from their mistakes, and keep moving forward. This quality is especially important in the face of challenges such as economic downturns, changes in the market, and unexpected obstacles.
                    1. Adaptability: The business world is constantly changing, and a successful businessman must be able to adapt to new trends, technologies, and customer needs. Adaptability means being open to new ideas, being willing to experiment, and being able to pivot quickly when necessary. This quality allows a businessman to stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.


                    • #25
                      Two qualities of a successful businessman are adaptability and resilience.


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