


How often have you used free



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  • How often have you used free

    How often have you used free hosting? I have not used it since I first started making my way around the Internet.

  • #2
    Re: How often have you used free

    I've used free hosting before, but I don't like it. I can't stand having banners on my page if I didn't put them there. Lol. You could start off like that and then upgrade if you don't like it.
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    • #3
      Re: How often have you used free

      Like most people just starting out I tried a Bravenet site. Didn't last there too long as I had started a religion/spirituality oriented site and had to add a caveat about all the dating and se.xually suggestive sites their automatic banners threw up - even though in their ToS you were not allowed to have such a thing being generated by YOU!
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      • #4
        Re: How often have you used free

        There are so many cheap servers ( http://***** and ) to use and you can work with others so you can pay and practically be free. I think it's better for almost any site out there to just pay rather than get random banners that you may not even want to support.

        Originally posted by fitnessk
        How often have you used free hosting? I have not used it since I first started making my way around the Internet.


        • #5
          Re: How often have you used free

          It6 is difficult to say. I use free web hoting when I need it.


          • #6
            Re: How often have you used free

            Honestly, I've never used free hosting, only tried it a few times.
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            • #7
              Re: How often have you used free

              Originally posted by MrsWrite
              I've used free hosting before, but I don't like it. I can't stand having banners on my page if I didn't put them there. Lol. You could start off like that and then upgrade if you don't like it.
              There are a fair amount of hosts that don't require you to place a banner on your page. Although most of them do require some other form of 'payment.' Like forum posts.

              But, yeah, I've used free hosting a few times. The biggest problem I've found is support, being that generally there isn't much. Which is fine considering it's free. The uptime is generally reasonable, since a fair amount of the time (in my experience.) the host is just a reseller account on a bigger, hopefully more reliable paid host.
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              • #8
                Re: How often have you used free

                I remember using my first free hosting, angelfire. Seemed to always be the best "free" i had ever found, however i do not use any free hosting anymore seems a waste.

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                • #9
                  Re: How often have you used free

                  I started net marketing using free hosting. After a couple of month, I change to paid hosting. Thats after I read A book about Internet Marketing. The writer said it's best to go for paid hosting. It looks more professional. Besides that, there's no unwanted banners. Since then, I never look back.
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                  • #10
                    Re: How often have you used free

                    when i was just starting on this kind of business..i was using angelfire too..and also for my personal site i use .tk


                    • #11
                      Re: How often have you used free

                      I've only tried it, never used it seriously/ stuck with it for over a month. I don't like the ads, plus it is hard to find a decent cpanel >.<


                      • #12
                        Re: How often have you used free

                        I've been using free hosting since I and acouple friends decided to make a MMORPG, we never made it though. But I started with geocities and a free forum host and made my way up to post-for-host hosts with cpanel, subdomains, mysql db's and all those features. Now i'm up to Hosts without ads and not recquiring posts.


                        • #13
                          Re: How often have you used free

                          i used free hosting for like 6 months in 2004 when i was 12 yrs old.I used Geocities. From That day and today i never used free hosting bcz now i m serious in making sites


                          • #14
                            Re: How often have you used free

                            I see a lot here about not using free hosting for a number of different reasons.

                            The ads: There are several free hosts out there that do not require any form of ads to be placed on your website

                            The reason about not professional: There are several free hosts which allow you to have a website just like a paid host, the only person who knows it is free hosting is you.


                            • #15
                              Re: How often have you used free

                              Well I use my free hosting accounts to test scripts and stuff like that
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