


this is possible ?



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  • #16
    i know unlimited is not posible
    but that company give all server sapace to use custmer
    i have reseller account


    • #17
      Unlimited Space & Unlimited Bandwidth
      Cpanel 11 / WHMReseller V3.0
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      • #18
        well i did a bit of search about them and they seems to be same as shoutserv and if this is true than they really are here for money only, its looking to me as a great bussiness, sell hosting, make money and then shutdown server and start a new company.

        this is their stratagy.

        My Personal Site
        My BLOG


        • #19
          the most cheapest website template? Personally,


          • #20
            I dont think they could offer Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space for $35 a year. It should just be a Marketing hype. There should be some catch on that, I guess!


            • #21
              It is possible to say that, BUT to have a limit of the size of the files. For instance, you are not able to upload a movie file bigger than 5 MB or picture bigger than 1 MB, or something like that.

              Also, if they are starting, why not giving this opportunity to appeal new users. Some companies even start by offering good FREE web-hosting, in order to become famous.

              However, anantshri is probably right, but it is possible to be as I already said. The marketing is very powerful thing, it is not that simple :P


              • #22
                it is possible but it must be a good hosting provider such as hostgator.
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                • #23
                  Yes it is possible, but as nudy stated they'd have limits on the filesizes that you can upload, also they can do this because they know that very few sites are going to take up a lot of space, so they know that they'll be fine.

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                  • #24
                    If it was 100% legit, I would leave my current host and sign up with this. Unlimited space AND unlimited bandwidth is just good to be true. I'm always placing orders for more bandwidth..


                    • #25
                      Do not believe it or pay for it. Their is no such thing as unlimited, its such a scam. I really wish companies would stop offering stuff like this.
                      Peter J. Foti


                      • #26
                        This is just their marketing strategy to attract new users.
                        Anyway, if you use their service and your sites get heavy traffic they'll probably kick you out or charge you for the bandwidth.


                        • #27
                          I really wish companies would stop offering stuff like this.Do not believe it or pay for it. Their is no such thing as unlimited, its such a scam.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Captain Tycoon View Post
                            I don't think they have any customers Its just a matter of time until they fool beginners to using their services
                            Agreed with you they are not as good as they are pretending!
                            :) $0.5 website hosting, VPS and domains buy
                            Hosting Forum


                            • #29
                              Traffic can be described in quantity and quality and this is what we have to be really careful about. We have to indicate this to the SEO firm we will be accessing.
                              Last edited by lennonjohn44; 10-23-2011, 00:26 AM.
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                              • #30
                                Even unlimited have certain restrictions if you can read their terms and conditions carefully you'll be able to find those restrictions on bandwidth and space.
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