


How do they do it?



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  • How do they do it?

    Recently, one of my web sites got hacked and someone has uploaded porn content to my site. I concluded that they had FTP access to my site, but how did they get my username and password?

    I use a fairly long password which is very hard to guess and anonymous FTP access is disabled, so how would they get my FTP account info?

  • #2
    are you using shared hosting? that's why many people go and get vps instead of shared hosting... you only managed your own server.. but do this only if you have a large traffic site..
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    • #3
      well it can be happened if someone hacked into root or your resellers account. Well I don't think we can do much about it. risk is always there unless you go for a dedicated server.


      • #4
        O my god!
        I am new to all this hosting seen and would really appreciate it if you could tell me which hosting you have been using when this happened. I am just trying to be extra careful. thx!
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        • #5
          All standard ftp is non encrypted including username and password during login. Sheer volume prevents most of these from being overheard.

          Your login info was emailed to you when you signed up. AWAYS change that password as soon as you get your account. Email is not private.

          Do you use and online chat or IRC? These are the quickest place to get a key logger added to your computer if you don't have up to date virus and worm protection.
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          • #6
            they could have used telnet if your host hasnt banned it. im pretty sure you can do that with telnet. but almost everything has telnet banned now-a-days.


            • #7
              Originally posted by andrew2008
              they could have used telnet if your host hasnt banned it. im pretty sure you can do that with telnet. but almost everything has telnet banned now-a-days.
              You should diable telnet and open SSH (port 22) only.
              Software like F-secure SSH client with built-in terminal & file transfer features.

              Good luck.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ScriptMan View Post
                All standard ftp is non encrypted including username and password during login. Sheer volume prevents most of these from being overheard.

                Your login info was emailed to you when you signed up. AWAYS change that password as soon as you get your account. Email is not private.

                Do you use and online chat or IRC? These are the quickest place to get a key logger added to your computer if you don't have up to date virus and worm protection.

                I agree with you there is best way to protect website from hack must change your password regularly


                • #9
                  There is no specific way in which your website can get hacked. There are various security breaches that hackers take advantage of. Make sure that you are following all the safety measures for your website.


                  • #10
                    Well I don't think we can do much about it
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