




Which is the best free hosting??

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  • Which is the best free hosting??

    Friends if we need to create asimple website..

    Just personal site..
    Which hosting is better to use.
    It shuld be free with no ads..

    My vote is to 110mb coz they r roking..

  • #2
    I used 110mb because in my opinion the best thing there is that its really simple to use it and there are no stupid ad's or stuff like that.


    • #3
      even it's the best, it's still free, at the end of the day, you'll have problem with uptime, and your account will be deleted with no reasons..

      that's my experience with free hosting..
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      • #4
        Well I prefer to use posting for hosting type than a totally free host. I have used for 2 years now and i have like 5 cheap shared hosting accounts. is better than some of shared hosting providers when it come to uptime.


        • #5
          I got too my personal site and i using my internet host. Its free to this internet customers and other intertnets.


          • #6
            Originally posted by pacificstorm
            even it's the best, it's still free, at the end of the day, you'll have problem with uptime, and your account will be deleted with no reasons..

            that's my experience with free hosting..
            Yes, all free hosting services dont have good quality but tell me, could you find a better free hosting service than 100mb?


            • #7
              NOw my vote has changed to 00bp..
              OR bcoz/

              Now they r astonishing.
              Just rocking a amazed.
              Fancy free hosting is offering for free..
              500GB Bandwith....
              And many more.../


              • #8
                "Free website hosting plans" are a type of web hosting service where you get free web space on their hosting server to create and host your web site free. Free web page hosting has several advantages, but mainly that it costs nothing (no money and no credit cards needed). Free web site hosting services also often have several disadvantages (though a few actually surpass some of the cheapest paid hosting servers in some features), such as limited webhosting features and forced ads. Usually in exchange for these free hosting services, the free web hosting company places advertisements on your free web pages of some sort (banners, textlinks, popups, etc.) to cover their costs, and hopefully make a profit. However there are some free website hosts that provide free bannerless hosting (no ads, no popups, and no advert of any kind), so they make money in other ways, such as displaying ads for the webmaster to click in their control panel, sending email ads, or requiring forum posting (which of course displays ads, as well as causing you to create free website content for them). Other free web page hosts offer very limited services (such as limited web page space, bandwidth limit, and no scripting) to attract users and hope that many people upgrade to a paid webhosting service. Many free website hosts provide a subdomain or sub-directory of their own domainname instead of (or an option to) allowing its users to host their own top-level domain name free. Most of the free webpage hosting providers over the years have proven to often not be reliable servers, but most of the free hosts listed on this web site have been in service several years, so are more reliable than most newer free hosts.


                • #9
                  ronit thanks for ur explanation..
                  And after getting many ppls openion i got BlueHost hosting...

                  And i am happy with that..
                  And i think many r offering best services than bluehost...


                  • #10
                    I will go with free hosting if they provide hosting free with no ads


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