


How to know if host oversells?



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  • How to know if host oversells?

    How can you know if your host is overselling? I think you can't, if the prices aren't insane. Do you have any ideas?

  • #2
    well thats a pretty interesting question.. there must be a way to find out .. coz this is the basic reason hosts get bad times..


    • #3
      A host is NOT overselling if they can deliver the stated plan to the few who actually use it.

      Most will never use what they buy.

      Try calling into or from a disaster area sometime. Did the phone company over-sell? Or did they sell to the max of "normal expected usage"?

      You decide!
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      • #4
        Well, you just take other hosts and compare them to each other. We have a brain for a reason


        • #5
          i agree with scriptman..

          cool way to look at things around..


          • #6
            the only problem with overselling is

            if two or even one leacher comes in the whole setup is spoild.

            so overselling sucks for me

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            • #7
              leachers have always been a headache.. but there are several options u can get rid of them.. cpanel has some options aswell..


              • #8
                to find out if they oversell just ask its the only and best way to find out it will also let you try to bargain with the admin


                • #9
                  I don't think you can judge if they're overselling due to their prices. Some really good hosts offer very competitive prices and they are not necessarily overselling. The first sign of overselling IMHO would be if they offered "unlimited" bandwidth and storage.
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                  • #10
                    It is not possible to know if an hosting company is overselling or not.
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                    • #11
                      hahaha sharkee ur damn right!! this UNLIMITED word attracts a lot of people.. well a friend of mine took this UNLIMITED hosting and got banned in 2 months, reason was "ur using too many resources" lol..


                      • #12
                        the "UNLIMITED" package, made for noobs by noobs and like i said before there is no way of telling if overselling is on unless they use a reseller or without asking them


                        • #13
                          Well there are many signs, such as low prices for outragous amounts of disk space & bandwidth. A lot of webhosting companies are starting to work like banks, loan more then they have and hope everyone doesn't cash out at the same time.


                          • #14
                            no there is also the new servers which come with billions of terabytes of disk space so that might be a reason for it


                            • #15
                              Well, of course it tells that the host is idiot, if he offers unlimited space, but, in normal cases. I think most of the hosts oversell, to keep their business running. Maybe a nice way could be to ask the host, if they care to answer honestly.






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