


Do you think that it is good dedi special?



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  • Do you think that it is good dedi special?

    I came across and found out that it offered nice dedicated server special.
    What do you think about it? Is it reasonable?

  • #2
    Well, I personally think that the price is really cheap ($59/mo) for such dedicated server solution offered by Moreover, it provides 99.9% network uptime, so your web sites will be accessible around the globe 24/7. Their customer support is exceptional according to reviews.


    • #3
      Personally, I would rather get an Atom dual core server, over a Celeron.
      Reliable, and very affordable web hosting, VPS, and Dedicated solutions.


      • #4
        hey does anybody please tell me what does DEDI's means here it is not understandable for me....thanks in advance..!!!
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        • #5
          what does DEDI's means here"
          Dedi, as it is logically obvious, is the shortened phrase "dedicated server".

          @OP - the price looks very good, make only sure that it is worthy host!

          Also I can share the discount for another company with good dedis -
          68NLU1 - 20% discount. Try looking them up.


          • #6
            I think you should go with this company as it has many positives:

            -> cPanel version 11
            -> PHP 5 with MySQL5
            -> 99% Uptime
            -> 24x7 Technical Support
            -> RVSkins + RVSite Builder


            • #7
              No doubt, would be reliable place to order dedicated server plans, but think that you will make much better choice with this server:
              Intel Pentium IV 2.4Ghz - 2.8Ghz - its cost is a little bit more expensive ($79/mo) and it will be much faster than Celeron.
              Just contact their support and see how fast they will respond and discuss any hosting related issue with them.


              • #8
                P.IV is the antiquate processor as well. Faster than celeron, but slower than most of the modern processors.

                I was personaly impressed by offers. I think they are worth of more attention. they are offering dualcores with discount for the same price as the named company gives p4. I think it is more reasonable.


                • #9
                  I can agree that Intel Pentium IV 2.4Ghz will be much faster and it is better to pay some extra dollars to get much better speed, etc.
                  As for me, offers nice dedicated server plans at affordable price. Their services contain all necessary features for successful running which are so significant for the web masters.


                  • #10
                    Nice dedis I have seen from
                    Their dedicated servers are multi resources with high uptime and performance.
                    Prices are competitive.
                    Their support team is qualified.


                    • #11
                      contact there sales sure you will get some nice discount
                      Hostxweb Hosting 99.9% uptime Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting
                      yajur | Sales Team
                      CPanel Hosting • Offsite-Backup • Great Uptime


                      • #12
                        Be careful cheap and quality are not always good signals.If that met you needs,why not checking their service and consulting some basic questions .
                        Hostease Web Hosting
                        20% off shared hosting with the coupon code:hostease


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by plum
                          hey does anybody please tell me what does DEDI's means here it is not understandable for me....thanks in advance..!!!
                          Dedi means dedicated server,which is different from shared server.About the information of dedicated server you can search it ,you will find a lot of information about it.
                          Hostease Web Hosting
                          20% off shared hosting with the coupon code:hostease






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