




5 Tips For Creating The Perfect Website

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  • 5 Tips For Creating The Perfect Website

    Here are five useful tips to bear in mind when you come to creating your own home page...

    1. Polished Web Design - If you want to create a great first impression, then the design of your website is paramount. I'm not saying that you have to spend £2,000 on it, but you certainly shouldn't scrimp on this aspect. The visual impact of your web page can have a huge bearing on whether or not a visitor sticks around or clicks away. A slick and polished design will show your business to be professional and image conscious, and represent you in the best possible light.

    2. Check Your Copywriting For Errors - I've spoken to many people in business and one thing they all agree on is that website copywriting littered with spelling mistakes and bad grammar is a big, big turn off! Basically, it's saying to the visitor, "I care about my business so much that I couldn't be bothered to check my website for basic spelling errors!" If your own home page screams "unprofessional", then any visitors you do receive won't have much faith in your ability to help them achieve what they want.

    3. Clean & Tidy - It's always best to ensure that your home page has a clean and uncluttered look to it. Regular website users have short attention spans and don't like to work too hard to find what they're looking for. Too many boxes or panels can become confusing and distract the prospect from reading your website copy - which is there to sell your services and keep the reader on your site.

    4. Be Crystal Clear - Again, you need to make it clear what your website is all about, and exactly how you can help your visitor. As a website copywriter, I see many sites that fail to describe exactly what they do, and they lose potential customers because of it. I recently saw a marketing website where the owner's main piece of sales copy said this; "I'm a marketing strategist and businessman with a history in the development, creation and conceptualization of a variety of business concepts.


    5. Don't Use Pop-Ups - I hate these. I really, really do! Many sales pages use pop-ups or scrolling boxes to force you into giving them your email address or other contact details. They follow you relentlessly down the page like a terrifying stalker... "Leave me alone", you shout as you doggedly attempt to actually read some of the copy on the page - copy that they've probably paid a copywriter to write for them. Why?! When you won't even let me read it!!

    Sure, the five pointers above maybe fairly obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many websites I see that make these basic errors. So when you come to create your own website, always consider first impressions, because they can make or break your business.
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  • #2
    The 5 points for creating the perfect website which you need to know and follow the instructions, the points are as below.

    1. It Must Be Appealing As Well As Relevant.
    2. You Must Provide User-Friendly Navigation.
    3. Ensure that Your Copy is Benefit-Oriented.
    4. Choose a Readable Font Size and Style.
    5. Strategically Organize the Content and Graphics.
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    • #3
      Relevance and Navigation on always on the top of my agenda with good clean clear content along with an easy to find "call to action" or at least a telephone number!
      Promotional Impact


      • #4
        Here are five essential tips for you to follow in trying to create a perfect website. You must go through the tips well in order to have the best website online.
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        • #5
          Check Your Copywriting for the error - I've talked to many people in the business, and one thing they all agree on that website, copywriting is littered with spelling and grammar errors are not good. It is a big turn off! Basically...
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